Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Boston Information

Oh My Goodness….only 6 days until I get to run the Boston Marathon!  I am so excited, and nervous!!!!  Last night it kind of hit me before bed, that I really only have a few days left and I was not sure I was going to be able to fall asleep!  I am totally excited about it, but a bit nervous because I have not been as good with my long runs lately-primarily because of the weather!  It has been so darn cold this winter and spring.  But, we shall see.  I have a goal time in mind, but I will not say because then I will feel like everyone will be disappointed in me! But today Scott and I packed our bags and the kids bags so now we just need to finish our homework and housework and we will be ready to leave…oh yeah, and give LOTS of hugs and kisses to H and O!  We will miss them; however, we are ready for a little break! Our flight leaves at 6AM on Thursday and we go to New York and then Boston.  We should arrive early afternoon.  then we can go sightseeing and out for the evening.  The weather looks quite nice.  It will be in the upper 50s lower 60s.  Chance of rain on saturday and sunday, but thankfully Monday is still looking good.  The race begins at 10:20 for me.  If you would like to follow my progress during the race you can, you can do it either through your phone-and receive text messages or you can sign up your email and receive email updates.  You will receive updates at the 10K, half, 30K and finish.  It seems pretty easy to sign up you just go to:


To see final results you will have to go to www.baa.org and to the marathon section and to results. 

I hope a few of you follow along to see my progress.  I am hoping that it all goes well!!!!!! 

Have a great week


1 comment:

Lynn, Amy, Ethan and Owen said...

Good luck Katie! :-) We will be cheering for you and look forward to receiving emails with your progress!