Friday, November 5, 2010

Random Info…

Happy Friday Everyone,

Hope you are all doing well!  We are doing well here!  Staying busy, as always so nothing new!  Here is a recap of our lives lately….

Ran the marathon on the 9th then recovered, I have had a bit of soreness in my knees on occasion since then but in the last week or so now it has been just fine and really has not bothered me.  I also started being able to do my complete normal routine at the gym again…it is shocking what a marathon can do to a persons body. I can tell that my body is not made for doing them frequently. I am amazed that some people are able to run them every week or two…I just could not!  I registered for the Boston Marathon on October 18th and just a couple of days ago received my confirmation information (they verify every registrants time to make sure that they are not lying!) .  I was getting a little worried though, because everyone else I knew that had signed up had already received their confirmation.  So, now I can really start figuring out where we are going to stay and how long we will go for, etc.  I really think that we need to make our arrangements soon though.  I am SO excited to go to Boston.  I am hoping that while we are out there we can do a lot of sight seeing and maybe even take the train to Maine.  Maine has always been a destination that I have wanted to go to, Scott and I really wanted to go on a honeymoon there, but then we realized that we were quite poor and I was in college at the time so maybe that was not a real great idea.  so, maybe in April?!?!?  If anyone knows any good/bad things to do or see in Boston let us know!  Scott went there in college, but for history and although I would like to see some of those types of attractions I would really like to just see a few other things too! 

On October 30th Scott (my brother) and I ran the Monster Dash 10 mile in the cities. Neither of us had ever ran in this race before and it was amazing.  There were many people dressed in costumes that I cannot imagine running 1 mile in so I have no idea how these people did it for 10 or 13 miles.  There was also a half marathon and a 5K.  I was hoping to run it in 3:10 but it was chilly and my legs were just not quite ready to run 10 miles very quickly.  (I know it sounds crazy that three weeks after a marathon, how on earth can a persons legs really not be ready for 10 miles?!?!) but, seriously…by mile 6 I wanted to walk the rest of the way and at about mile 8 my knee was getting sore….but I finished in 1:13 and placed 42nd overall out of 1906 runners and 2nd in my age group!  I was very excited about that!  So another PR technically, but I cannot ever remember running a 10 miler for a “real” race. 

Then we went to a waterpark up in the cities to celebrate my dads 60th birthday.  We had a great time.  The kids had a lot of fun and Henry was certainly not ready to go home on Sunday morning.  Thankfully, for henry, grandpa and grandma albers offered to let him stay with them in the morning.  he had a blast with his cousins and gma and gpa! I also went to IKEA and found Olivia a big girl bed (tear, tear) and a new dresser.  The store is just incredible, I could spend so much time there!   I was amazed though at the traffic in the cities on a Saturday afternoon…it was just crazy!  We even went to a McDonalds for lunch and no one would let me merge into the line for the drive-thru…it was sick…I was so frustrated…but finally a lady let us in and eventually I paid for her meal because I was so grateful to finally get the kids some lunch! 

we also found out that my cousin Chris is getting married!  to Stacey amundson in Mexico in March of 2011.  Unfortunately I do not think we will be able to make it because of the Boston marathon the next month. 

finally, I made it through my first two online courses for my masters degree…and got As in both classes thankfully!  now I only have one class at a time, which is a huge relief! 

well hope you are all enjoying the cooler weather. Scott cannot wait until the weather really cools down so that he can go  ice fishing!

~The Morgans

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