Monday, October 13, 2008

Fall has been fabulous!

hello everyone this is Henrys momma writing since i am bored at work tonight! Well, henry has been getting more and more fun everyday! He constantly says new words and does new tricks that always amaze us! Just yesterday I took him for a run before work and he kept saying "STOP" he has been saying "sop s" for a stop sign for a while but it never comes out very clear but yesterday for some reason he finally figured out stop! it was so darn cute! he is really big into stop signs, yield signs, mail boxes, lights, flags, flowers and everything else we see on walks and runs now...almost to the point of being a bit annoying (not to mention that it makes me quite winded telling him what everything is)! Amazingly he is also getting even more into reading books. Scott and I just about go bonkers when we see him going toward the book shelf. Although we know that it is good for him, we get so sick of reading books all day long! But Henry is in heaven sitting on our lap flipping the pages while we read away, so we should not complain! Last week I got some fabulous pictures of Henry playing in the leaves at the park in Zumbrota, I personally think they are cuter than any photographers pictures! he thought the leaves were so interesting to play with! I will try to add them sometime in the next couple of days because they really are too cute! This week Scott and I are giong to celebrate our 3rd wedding anniversary.....CRAZY! Time has just flown by! I am not sure if we even believe all of the changes that have happened over the past 3 years! We are thinking about going up north this week to celebrate since both scott and i have a few days off of work...well i do often! but Scott actually took vacation time just so he could spend it with me! What a guy?!! Well, I should get back to work and hopefully we will talk to or see you all soon, Katie

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