Monday, January 14, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy

So sorry that I have not written in a while everyone, but I have been a busy boy! Between trying to crawl, walk, stand, grow teeth, say ma and da and beig the showcase in church I have just been WAY too busy! Mommy had to work the last two weekends, so I have had a lot of Daddy time, we have had sooo much fun. Last week when Mommy was off I went to the Mall of America with Mom and Dad....we had a lot of fun and I was a good boy. Then on Thursday Mommy and I went swimming at the YMCA, I had lots of fun looking at all of the other kids that were in the pool! Today Mommy has been trying to get me to sleep alot...I do not know what she thinks, I dont care that she worked last night, I want to play! I am now saying da and lots of ma-ma-ma-ma's!!! I sound SOOOO cute! I also have four teeth coming in up on top, pretty soon my mouth is going to be full of teeth and I am going to be ready for some more real food. Baby food is SO gross, ick! Well, I better get going Mommy thinks it is time to wash the floors...haha...good one Mommy! I will try to attach video of me saying Mama...I am so cute and so love by my Mommy and Daddy! Have a great week and I will try to update soon! Love, Henry Scott Morgan

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