Monday, July 13, 2009

Summer Fun!

Happy July,

Sorry that it has been so long since we have updated! We have been staying busy doing many different summer activities! Since our last post Scott went on vacation with the Albers Men up to the Cabin in Winter! They had a good time from the sounds of it, but I was very happy when he I was not meant to be a single parent! I need a little me time most days! But he was a very nice hubby and did bring me some fudge home! So I was very grateful for that! We had Scott's Aunt Pam's Wedding and Leahs graduation all on June 20th so that was one busy day but everyone was happy to see Miss Olivia and Big Brother Henry! Everyone at Leahs graduation was also lucky enough to meet baby Benjamin, who is such a little sweetie! He has such a nice head of hair! I cannot wait to see him again! The following weekend I took Henry and Olivia to the Lake City Waterski Days to see the parade, that was kind of a disappointment! ALthough Henry did get to see his Big Cousin Ethan and since that day Henry prefers to call tractors "M-e's" just the way that both Gavin and Ethan say it! And "Yep" because that is another little word that Ethan must say quite often! Then last weekend we went to the Mazeppa parade on Friday night with Grandma A, Grandpa A, Lynn, Amy and Ethan so Henry again thought that was great, Olivia on the other hand, thinks the parades were a bit too loud! But of course she quieted right down for Grandma, as always! And yesterday, Gma and Gpa Albers watched both kiddos while scott and i worked and they took them to Lake City to go for a boat ride with Uncle Lynn! Henry is in heaven by any boat or big truck so he was in heaven most of the day! Thanks Gma and Gpa Albers for making their day so much fun! Henry is always wanting to go to either set of grandparents house because he knows he will always have fun and have a ride of some sort on a tractor, four wheeler, skid loader, argo..or something that is way more fun than at home! Oh and last week we also went to our first Rochester Honkers Baseball game, it was such a blast! Thanks Gma and Gpa Morgan! We had a great time and already hoping to go again some evening!

Henry's Achievements since last update!!!:
Count to 30...although he is quite certain that their is a twenty-ten!
Knows all of his Letters, Uppercase and Lowercase
Can spell HENRY and SCOTT
Everyday he is starting to say new phrases or words, a few weeks ago he figured out how to say "absolutely not" because that is what I say if I do not want to say "NO" one more time! It is too darn cute coming out of his mouth!
He Hates time out and gets so sad if you even mention it!
And he is getting better and better at puzzles!

Henry's Favorite Things:
Food: Hot Dog w/ ketchup and Mustard
Toy: Blue Bear followed closely by Black bear
Book: giggly and wiggly
Clothes: Hockey Socks- MN WILD socks!
Place: Park or Gprts house!
Thing to do in Zumbrota: Walk up to Main Street(w/ mom and Baby O) and watch for Big trucks, but really he does not care..he sits and waves and YELLS " HI Car, hi pickup, hi big truck, hi motorcycle" he LOVES is free...and again...he loves we do it!

Olivia's Achievements:
Rolls over from tummy to back
Back to tummy
can sit up okay by self, but better w/ boppy pillow!
Giggles, loves raspberries on her belly!
LOVES to watch and look for Henry!
Smiles MUCH more than Henry ever did!
Sleeps from 830-5 and 5-8! what a great baby!
Likes to hang onto anything and everything!
Dislikes long car rides! She gets a bit bored in her carseat!

Well Hopefully I will add some photos and a link to more photos of these two cuties and next week I will be able to add some more photos from vacation...yes you read that correctly I do officially get to go on vacation next Sunday-Thursday with Scott, henry and Olivia as well as Gma and Gpa Morgan, Bonnie and Randy up near Duluth! Hopefully we have good weather and I am positive we will have a good time!

Til Next time ~ The Morgans

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