Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Lots of New photos/Baptism

Hey there everyone, We are all doing great at home, Olivia is now 3 weeks old....so sad! Just breaks my heart to think how fast the time has gone so far! She is just adorable! And she has been a fabulous sleeper and eater, thankfully! Enjoy our new pictures of Olivia and Henry!

Henrys first haircut by mommy! $15.00 is way too expensive for a ten minute hair cut! And if I can say so myself, I think it turned out quite nice! And after that, he made me some nice fingerpaint artwork!

Leah and Olivia

Jenna and Olivia

Jenna, Olivia, Henry, Leah and Nolan

Nolan and Olivia....only about 2-3 weeks apart!

Jenna and henry

Henry looking at the fish at the MN zoo!

Daddy and Henry outside the Monkey pen at the zoo!

Olivias baptism on Feb 15, Scott and Steph are her Godparents! it was a great day and we were happy that everyone was able to make it, except kari and Kyle who thought it would be more fun to be in Mexico??!?!?!?!

Henry, hanging on for dear life on our way to the zoo...goes to show you how daddy's driving is!

Henry swinging away at the park last week!

Grandma Albers and Olivia after Baptism

Olivia in her beautiful baptismal gown, the same one that I wore!

Baptism with Fr. Tim

Olivia having some tummy time! She really has a strong neck.

Henry and Ethan


Great-Grandpa McNamara holding baby olivia!

Henry had to sit right next to him too! Olivia does not get all the attention!

Sleeping Beauty!

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