Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Fishing For Salmon and Rainbow Trout

Today on the 13th day of our trip we went fishing just for fun and we caught some Salmon and Rainbow trout. So first we went fishing in a river, the Kenai river and we caught a few fish. I caught my first salmon and it was a baby 2 inches long. Then Lynn caught a 13 inch salmon. But then Ethan and I both fell in the river and we were freezing and we went up to the truck and then everyone else came. After that we went to this other place where we caught 7-15 inch salmon and rainbow trout and caught minnows. Then we went out for supper and I got pizza 🍕. And we saw some moose and reindeer. So it was a really fun day. Remember to check the blog again tomorrow for more updates.

Sunday, July 15, 2018


Today on the 12th day of my trip we went salmon fishing. We went salmon fishing today, but didn't catch any but I did reel part of one on my dad's line and my dad caught one too. Ethan and Lynn went fishing in Cook inlet for more halibut and salmon. I had 2 salmon bites on my line, but none of them stayed on. It was really fun even though I didn't catch any fish. I did see fish swimming in the water. Ethan and Lynn caught caught 3 halibut and a bunch of salmon. Ethan also caught one fish that I had never heard of. So it ended up being a good day. Remember to check the blog again tomorrow.

Kenai and Homer

Today on the tenth day of our trip we went to Kenai and went Salmon fishing. Ethan my Cousin caught 2 salmon and Lynn my Uncle caught 3 salmon, because they were wearing waders in the water. My dad and I didn’t catch any but my dad had one on and it took almost all of his line. Then after that we went to a bonfire and played with a bunch of other kids there for a while. Then we went to our hotel. Remember to check the post below this one.

Today on the Eleventh day of our trip we went to Homer and then went on a fishing charter for Halibut so let me tell you about it. So First we got to Homer and drove to our fishing Charter and then we took off on the boat. So it was like a hour and a half to drive out to the fishing spot and then we started fishing about half the people caught a fish in the first minute or two and I did and it was decent sized and later I caught another one and my dad caught two in the last 5-10 minutes. The amount you could keep was 2 but you could also keep some cod if you caught any, my uncle and one other guy caught a cod. We ended up fishing for 3 hours and My Uncle, My Dad, Ethan,and I all caught 2 Halibut and we ate them for supper. Each Halibut has 4-5 pounds of meat on it.So it ended up being a great day and we caught a bunch of fish. Sorry about posting these posts so late. Remember to check tomorrow for more updates.

Friday, July 13, 2018

Gold Mining

Today on the ninth day of our trip we went Gold mining in 2 different spots now let me tell you about it. So first we went gold mining at crows creek and they showed you howto do it and game you little bit of dirt with gold in it and then we panned it and we all got 2-6 little flakes and then we went down to the creek and we panned for gold down there for about 3-4 hours. I found 3 little flakes and everyone else found something to. After that we went to a new gold mining spot and we used the sluice box and found a few more pieces of gold there. It ended up being a really good day and it was super fun. Remember to check tomorrow for more updates.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Anchorage, AK

So today on the 8th day of our trip we saw many things we saw Glaciers and more mountains with snow on them. First we went on a tour to see Glaciers and Ice Burgs and we saw lots of both. We saw Portage Glacier the biggest one on the lake. It’s 1/2 a mile long and 300-400 feet thick and it takes 10 feet of snow to compact for 10 years and then it makes 1 foot of ice so portage glacier has been around for 10-15 thousand years. Then later we went to Ship Creek were we saw salmon from a viewing platform. We saw Chinook salmon or black salmon and Sockeye salmon or red salmon. Tomorrow we are planning on going gold mining. Remember to check the blog again for more tomorrow updates, and sorry I don’t have any pictures of the fish.